Girls Make Games, Too

Lesson objectives Understand women’s roles in game development and impact on the gaming community Socioemotional learning objectives Show respect for differences and value commonalities Communicate effectively Worksheet Internet-connected device This is a self-guided activity. Leave campers with the worksheet, which asks them to research a game designer. Discussion Note to campers that women have been … Read more

Games are Serious Fun

Lesson objectives  Identify different types of fun in games Understand the goals of serious games Socioemotional learning objectives Cooperative Planful Responsible Welcoming Internet-connected devices Serious game examples, such as Never Alone That Dragon, Cancer Journey Active Citizen A sheet of paper with the name of each game and the presentation prompts Types of fun Gather … Read more

Games Have Objectives

Lesson objectives Reflect on the week’s learning Explore social awareness in the gaming community Encourage students to think about how they can contribute to their community Engineering design learning objective Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential … Read more

Games Have Rules

Lesson objectives Understand the need for rules in games Develop strategies for responding to rule violations Socioemotional learning objectives Cooperative Creative Responsible Planful Worksheet Headband template Craft supplies Written and unwritten rules When playing games, there are usually written rules that we have to follow. Other rules are unwritten, which means you as players agree … Read more

Games Use Chance and Strategy

Lesson objectives Understand different game mechanics Distinguish between chance and strategy Discuss how chance and strategy influence how fun a game is Socioemotional learning objectives Planful Creative Welcoming Giant sticky note Planes, Trains, and Candymobiles game Board game templates Chance Gather campers together and remind them about the definition of games. Note that all games … Read more

Games Are Playtested

Lesson objectives Understand the need for playtesting Practice giving and receiving feedback Engineering design learning objective Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions Socioemotional learning objectives Cooperative Planful Responsible Welcoming Campers’ games Blank sheets of paper (1 for each group) with “playtester” or “game designer” at the top and … Read more

Games Create Emotions

Lesson objectives Identify emotions while playing games To understand the importance of emotions in games and how they contribute to the overall experience To introduce strategies for managing strong emotions during gameplay Socioemotional learning objectives Cooperative Responsible Planful Welcoming Worksheet Gather campers, trying to split groups from the main lesson Cooperation debrief As cooperative gamers, … Read more

Games Have Mechanics

Lesson objectives Distinguish between types of mechanics Understand escape game puzzle mechanics Think about how mechanics facilitate fun and interest Engineering design learning objective Evaluate competing design solutions Socioemotional learning objectives Planful Responsible Cooperative Blank paper with the name of each mechanic at the top Movement (running, crawling, flying) Turn-taking Crafting Card drawing Time limit … Read more

Teams Make Games

Lesson objectives Understand the definition of a puzzle Remember strategies to work effectively with others Understand different roles in game design Socioemotional learning objectives Cooperative Responsible Welcoming Giant puzzle, with 1-2 pieces per player and large enough for campers to move around and place pieces Option: Use a blown-up coloring sheet so campers can color … Read more